Glamour Magic

A Pluto-informed course on glamour magic. In service of cultivating physical, energetic beauty and feeling luxurious in your own unique essence.

This course is for you if you want to channel your unique frequency of beauty through your body…

If you want to disentangle yourself from the poison of cultural beauty standards & negative enchantments that have you feeling less than divine…

This course comes from my own personal journey of healing dense pain around my appearance and coming into a place of ease and joy around how I look.

This course centers the energy behind your efforts to be beautiful. We detoxify the poisons you’ve collected and internalized & re-center your deepest prayer and intention around beauty and your relationship to it.


My practice is soul-centered, which began with my studies and fluency in Evolutionary Astrology (and has carried me into all of the disciplines I include and weave into my practice as a counselor, coach, healer, diviner, and teacher). For me, the journey of beauty was not superficial. It was not about just discovering how to take care of my hair, skin, or dress myself. I had to go to the root of my deepest desires around beauty and my deepest pain around my scarcity (of not being beautiful, of feeling ugly, of feeling incapable of having the life I felt beauty would give me).

I discovered that there was an immense amount of untapped power at the root. The pain I had about beauty was actually unintegrated power. If I could feel so passionately against myself, what happened when I could reclaim that energy and direct it on purpose to loving my unique beauty, its imperfections and all?

This kind of freedom matters. Your EROS is deeper and vaster than how connected you are to cultural beauty standards. It’s deeper than how you objectively look. It’s about how EROS channels through your body. This course is in service to enchanting your look on purpose and gaining more sovereignty in the realm of glamour magic.

A peak into

the curriculum

What does beauty

afford you?

This is the question we have to think long and deep about if you don’t already have an answer. For our glamour magic, we have to know what it is you think beauty is a vehicle for. What rarified, privileged, special experience it is the key for.

Leaving the enchanted forest - the charms that work against us

Beauty has always been magical, glamour has always been a spell. But under whose spell? We will explore reclaiming your magical agency through teachings, group discussion, visualization, and practical tools for cutting away from negative enchantments (like comparison, beauty standards).


You have to love yourself in the very places you don’t think you are worthy of love - and those places are surely a little beastly for having been neglected and cast into the shadow or seen as unworthy. You do not get to skip over these parts of you and just get sparkly and glowy - your glow actually comes from a deeper place of reconciliation with these parts of you. We will explore a safe, effective somatic trauma-healing method for soothing and calming down these touchy wounds so they can be resourced to heal.



to do on

your own

Outside of our class and class discussions, I’ll send you some practices you can do on your own to enchant your physical and energetic presence.

Schedule & Logistics:

There will be six live and recorded class meetings.

Three of these contain material and teachings, alternating with three classes that are hot seat coaching style.

Dates and times TBA, beginning in either late summer or early autumn of 2024.

This is an offering currently only enrollable through the Kickstarter campaign funding a year ahead of astrology forecasts and Magic of the Spheres podcast.

You want to be beautiful because there is a rarified and fortunate experience that opens up for you when you feel beautiful and when others see you that way

It’s not just the aesthetic delight - though there is that -

It’s the way you feel luxurious when you look in the mirror, or you catch someone’s attention on you and it makes perfect sense to you why they are noticing you, and you like the charge in the air that opens up between your eyes and theirs

It’s the way you find yourself so full of pleasure about the way that you are that you feel resourced and ready to be reflected there, and to be generous with how you shine light on others. It’s how open you become.

You want to clarify the garden of your beauty because you also have the power to not use your beauty as a weapon; you have the power for others to feel inspired and more beautiful themselves when they are around you; you have the power for other people to feel graced by your connection and even if you choose, by your rejection.

You want to be fluent in the unique language of your beauty and the types of spells it casts and can cast. You want to disentangle it from cultural spells or trends you compare yourself to. You want to touch the actual frequency of the beauty that you are and let it animate you from the inside out

This is glamor magic, inspired by Pluto and Venus

You can do all the things to be physically pleasing, well-dressed, and in fact some of those require time and skill to cultivate

But if your energy is doing something else, or actually directly going against you, these practical things don’t have a lot of traction

You need inspired clarity of sight when you look in the mirror

You need to reverse, clear, and metabolize the painful and mean thoughts that you have in the mirror, and to cultivate the strength of your genuine love and adoration to be more powerful than the spells of your own self-hatred

You need to learn how to grow that love and adoration in a way that you can really believe

You need to reverse, clear, and metabolize collective and cultural beauty spells that are at odds with your unique look, ethnicity, or where you otherwise are not represented in the model you have internalized

Beauty and pleasure are supposed to be fun, but when you’re in the enchanted forest of bad spirit and bad magic - beauty is anything but fun

I teach beauty in way that is Pluto-informed

So we can learn how to play the game of becoming sparklier, more enchanted, more of a whole ass vibe — but you do it from the root and you actually source and reclaim your power in those very spots of pain and resistance

Learn how to resource yourself with glamour, sparkle, pleasure, the high frequency sides of this game

And be intimate with your own deeper roots, tangled up threads, and deep edgy desires of why you really want to be beautiful—

And let them meet somewhere in-between so that you can really hold the frequency of your beauty

Hold the rightness of how beautiful you are in the exact frequency and tone it wants to be